Books for people who think the world is going to shit

No one can read the future as far as I am aware but if I were to be a betting person I would bet the world isn’t going to shit. Or rather, I would bet it's not catastrophically going to shit. We might go through a shitty time that gets worse before it gets better. … Continue reading Books for people who think the world is going to shit

Books for people lying awake panicking about stuff (+ some tips)

Maybe it’s just me but every once in a while I have one of those nights where I wake up at 04:00 with a heightened heart rate, dry mouthed, somewhat panicky from whichever weird dream/nightmare I was having. Then a thought pops into my head. It’s about something I need to do at work. Then … Continue reading Books for people lying awake panicking about stuff (+ some tips)

Life is too short to read books (or is it?)

That’s probably true. It’s also probably true it’s too short to watch the 124th episode of Game of Thrones, yet you keep on watching, don’t you? As with anything in life it’s about prioritising. Now, clearly you knew that. If you didn't, then start here (immediately). The real question is, why would you prioritise reading … Continue reading Life is too short to read books (or is it?)

Books for people who want a secure financial future

First of you are lucky to come across this. Second of all you must be smart if you are looking into these things already. So congratulations. This post comes with a tiny bit of pre-work. Before you read the rest of this and the books, convince yourself on the power of compound interest. If you … Continue reading Books for people who want a secure financial future

Books for people who don’t know what to do with their lives

Many don’t really and unless you are one of those people who just know, it’ll take work and certain mental frameworks to get there. The trick is to know that, make your peace with it and to keep working on it. It’s about exploration, building career capital to help you get to where you want … Continue reading Books for people who don’t know what to do with their lives